MBA Reflections

MBA Reflections

Muneeba Shoaib MBA’19


What was it like to study at SDSB-LUMS? What were the highlights of your degree?

Living up to its reputation, the academic standard of the programme was particularly impressive. Moreover, MBA provided me with an opportunity to learn from some of the seasoned faculty members that I hadn't interacted with during my undergraduate. This was the highlight of the programme, especially compared to the undergraduate experience. Instructors are extremely well versed in the case study methodology and push students to approach business problems uniquely.

What did you do before you came to the LUMS MBA programme?

I was a finance professional working as an investment analyst. After graduating with a BSc in Accounting and Finance from SDSB, finance seemed like a natural transition. I worked for three years before joining the MBA programme and also completed my CFA qualification during that time.

Why did you want to study for a postgraduate degree at the SDSB?

I was looking to switch industries and move towards the corporate side after my experience in a purely financial market. An MBA was the appropriate transition, and given my desire to stay in Pakistan, SDSB was a natural choice. Being an alumna, I was already aware of its high academic standards. What also attracted me was the strong brand name the programme has in Pakistan's corporate world.

Which moments or activities during your studies influenced your career choices and opportunities?

I would say the whole experience of getting comfortable with non-financial or technical aspects and focusing on general management allowed me to consider more diverse professional opportunities, eventually leading to my current role as a consultant.

Was there someone - classmate, alumni or faculty - whom you admire? Why?

I'll talk about the friend network here. Being a small batch of fewer than fifty people, we were quite close during the two years the batch developed, and continue to remain so.

Best place to get a meal or coffee in or around campus?

Honestly, we had hardly any time to go anywhere other than Jammin’ Java; but the area outside the Pepsi Dining Centre was a good hangout place.

Tell us about your path from LUMS to where you are today. How has LUMS helped you in your career?

SDSB provided multiple opportunities with top recruiters coming to the campus. My summer internship at Unilever and eventual selection at McKinsey was through SDSB. The great thing, however, is not that I was only able to apply to some of the top recruiters, but also received support from the university to guide me through the rigorous recruitment processes.

What are some of the challenges you are facing in your career so far, and how do you overcome them?

It’s been six months, so not much on any major challenges or even big achievements. The exciting as well as challenging part of my role as a consultant is that every project and every task is a new business problem. One has to constantly create solutions to new issues. The key is to focus on how you approach and think about the problem. This is where the SDSB experience greatly helped me.

What is the one piece of advice you would offer to students considering studying at SDSB-LUMS?

SDSB-LUMS, as an institute, is a platform for growth. It’s important to understand all that it off­ers in terms of academics and professional development, and use that to shape and excel in your career choices.

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