The MS TME programme has not only helped me develop a new perspective towards technology management and entrepreneurship, but it has also provided an understanding of the efficient manner in which technology has enabled us. Revolving around the process of learning and relearning, this programme focuses on a student-centred experience with a good balance of theory and practical work while also catering to participants coming in from diverse backgrounds.
PhD Management Programme Graduates
A list of our PhD Alumni

Abdullah Khan
Current Position: Teaching Fellow (Information Technology University (ITU, Lahore)
Specialization: Finance
Thesis: “Towards ‘Real’ Islamic Finance: Essays on Islamic Venture Capital”
Advisor: Dr. Bushra Naqvi

Afaf Khalid
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Forman Christian College (A Chartered University)
Specialization: Organisational Behaviour & Strategy
Thesis: “Mental Health and Schizophrenia at Work”
Advisor: Dr. Jawad Syed

Nighat Seema
Specialization: Finance
Thesis: “The Role of Gender in Finance”
Advisor: Dr. Fazal Jawad Seyyed

Shoaib Amjad Hussain
Current Position: Assistant Professor - Forman Christian College (A Chartered University)
Specialization: Organisational Behaviour & Strategy (OB)
Thesis: “Leadership – Managing People Amidst Paradoxes”
Advisor: Dr. Muhammad Abdur Rahman Malik

Syed Tariq
Current Position: Lecturer in Logistics (Procurement & Supply Chain) – Lincoln, England, UK
Specialization: Operations Management (OM)
Thesis: "Humanitarian Operations: Challenges in Pakistan, Design of the Flood Relief Chain and Financial Health of Humanitarian Nonprofits"
Advisor: Dr. Muhammad Shakeel Sadiq Jajja

Al Waqas Bin Abi Zyad
Current Position: Senior Project Manager – Educative
Specialization: Organisational Behaviour & Strategy
Thesis: "Postsecular and Islamic Perspectives on Management: Religion, Altruism, and Mindfulness"
Advisor: Dr. Muhammad Azfar Nisar

Aneeka Fahima Sufi
Current Position: Assistant Professor, FAST School of Management
Specialization: Organisational Behaviour & Strategy
Thesis: "Impact of peer unethical behaviors on silence and proactivity: The role of emotions and identification"
Advisor: Dr. Arif Nazir Butt

Hajra Asad
Current Position: Teaching Professional - Lahore School of Economics - Lahore
Specialization: Organisational Behaviour & Strategy
Thesis: "A positive twist on the “Toxic Triangle”: The Abusive Supervisor, Competitive Climate, and Subordinate Core-Self Evaluation"
Advisor: Dr. Arif Nazir Butt

Syeda Ayesha Wadood
Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of Sialkot
Specialization: Operations Management (OM)
Thesis: "The resource based enablers and performance related consequences of social sustainability in supply chains of developing countries"
Advisor: Dr. Muhammad Shakeel Sadiq Jajja

Aneeka Kanwal
Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of Sialkot
Specialization: Finance
Thesis: The Effect of Fairness Preferences on Individual Decision-Making in Inter-temporal, Risk Sharing, Credit and Asset Market Settings
Title of Paper: "The Prohibition of Speculation in Islamic Finance: Fairness and Framing"
Advisor: Dr. Saad Azmat

Ramsha Naeem
Current Position: Assistant Professor – Head of MBA Programme – University of Central Punjab
Specialization: Organisational Behaviour & Strategy
Thesis: "The Process of Faultline Activation and Deactivation: The Effects of Power Struggles, Entitlement Beliefs, Justice Climate and Distribution Rules on Group Performance"
Advisor: Dr. Arif Nazir Butt
Title of Paper: The Effects of Gender Faultlines and Distribution of Rewards on Intragroup Power Struggles and Group Performance

Rizwan Khalid
Current Position: Assistant Professor – Qarshi University
Specialization: Finance
Thesis: Determinants of Stock Market Growth and Crashes
Advisor: Dr. Tanveer Shehzad
Title of Paper: "Impact of capital account liberalization on stock market crashes"

Manal Munir Chaudhary
Current Position: Operations Management (OM)
Specialization: Finance
Thesis: Empirical Examination of Antecedents and Consequences of Managing Risks and Developing Resilience in Supply Chains
Advisor: Dr. Shakeel Sadiq Jajja
Title of Paper: Supply Chain Risk Management and Operational Performance: The Enabling Role of Supply Chain Integration

Mamoona Arshad
Current Position: Lecturer in HRM/OB – De Montfort University (UK)
Specialization: Organisational Behaviour & Strategy
Thesis: Prevalence of Workplace Deviance: A Perspective of Third-Party Observation and Experiencing Interpersonal Deviance
Advisor: Dr. Muhammad Abdur Rahman Malik

Attique Ur Rehman
Current Position: Assistant Professor – LUMS
Specialization: Operations Management (OM)
Thesis: Supply chain risk and risk management: Theory, antecedents, and consequences
Advisor: Dr. Muhammad Shakeel Sadiq Jajja

Mariam Mohsin
Current Position: Lecturer – University of Kent
Specialization: Organisational Behaviour & Strategy
Thesis:Opting In and Out: A Relational and Structural Theory of Action Perspective on Women’s Employment and Careers in Pakistan
Advisor:Dr. Jawad Syed

Syed Aamir Ali Shah
Current Position: Assistant Professor - Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Sukkur
Thesis: "Extended Role of Supply Chain Partners (Suppliers and Customers) in Service Supply Chains"
Advisor: Dr. Muhammad Shakeel Sadiq Jajja
Specialisation: Operations Management (OM)

Fatima Gillani
Current Position: Senior Research Fellow in Business Transformation – Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University
Thesis: "Digitalization of Organizations: Strategizing the Transformation Journey"
Advisor: Dr. Muhammad Shakeel Sadiq Jajja
Specialisation: Operations Management (OM)

Haris Khan
Current Position: Assistant Professor – Information Technology University (ITU, Lahore)
Thesis:Interplay of Finance and the Distribution of Income and Wealth
Advisor: Dr. Tanveer Shehzad

Fariha Zahid
Current Position: Lecturer Leadership and Management (PhD, ACCA, MPA)
Bournemouth University Business School (UK)
Thesis: “Political Skill and Self-Serving Counterproductive Work Behaviors: A Power Perspective”
Advisor: Dr. Arif Nazir Butt
Specialisation: Organisational Behaviour & Strategy

Muhammad Azeem Ali Shah
Current Position: Senior Regional Researcher, Governance of Water Institutions, IWMI\
Thesis: “Exogenous Shocks and the Process of Organisational Sensemaking: The Case of Punjab Irrigation Department, Pakistan”
Advisor: Dr. Ghazal Mir Zulfiqar
Specialisation: Organisational Behaviour & Strategy
Yasir Riaz
Current Position: Lecturer in Finance, Ulster University (UK)
Thesis: “The role of credit rating agencies in the European financial markets”
Advisor: Dr. Tanveer Shehzad

Mohammad Kamran Mumtaz
Current Position: Assistant Professor - Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Karachi
Thesis: "Analysis and Design of the Upstream Dairy Supply Chain – An Application in Emerging Markets"
Advisor: Dr. Kamran Ali Chatha
Specialisation:Operations Management (OM)

Muhammad Osama Nasim Mirza
Current Position: Assistant Professor - The University of Lahore (UOL)
Thesis: "Corporate Social Responsibility – The Perspective of Orthodox Islam"
Advisor: Dr. Adnan Zahid/Dr. Farzad Rafi Khan
Specialisation:Organisational Behaviour & Strategy

Faiza Muhammad (L)
Thesis: "Decoupling & Re-coupling Institutional logics through Institutional work: The Case Study the Pakistani Judiciary’s Struggle for Independence"
Advisor: Dr. Junaid Ashraf
Specialisation:Management and Organisational Studies

Ashar Saleem
Current Position: Assistant Professor and Programme Director MS Management - Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Karachi
Thesis: "State Under Trial, An Institutional Analysis of a Policy Decision in the Pakistani Electricity Sector"
Advisor: Dr. Adnan Zahid/Farzad Rafi Khan
Specialisation: Management and Organisational Studies

Muhammad Ayaz
Current Position: Assistant Professor - Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Karachi
Thesis: "(re) Formation of Local Nodes in Global Production Networks"
Advisor: Dr. Junaid Ashraf
Specialisation: Management and Organisational Studies

Shoaib Ul Haq
Current Position: Senior Lecturer at the University of Greenwich, UK
Thesis: "The Role of Conflicting Logics in Shaping Individual Identities: A Case of Microfinance"
Advisor: Dr. Arif Nazir Butt
Specialisation:Organisational Behaviour & Strategy

Muhammad Shakeel Sadiq Jajja
Current Position: Associate Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management - Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS)
Associate Dean (Graduate Programme) - Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS)
Specialization: Operations Management
Thesis: “Supply Chain Management and Organizational Performance: Strategy and Innovation Aspects”
Advisor: Dr. Syed Zahoor Hassan

Abdur Rahman Malik
Current Position: Faculty at LUMS
Thesis: "Rewards and Creativity: The Next Step"
Advisor: Dr. Arif Nazir Butt
Specialisation: Organisational Behaviour & Strategy