Undergrad Students Gain Real-World Insight through Hospitality Management Course



Students enrolled in MGMT-283 (Fundamentals of Hospitality Management) at Suleman Dawood School of Business recently had the opportunity to gain practical experience in the hospitality industry. During a field trip led by Ms. Shireen Waheed (adjunct faculty-SDSB), the students visited Faletti's Hotel and Fred Restaurant, which proved vital for aspiring hospitality managers. At Faletti's Hotel, the students were able to observe and participate in various aspects of hotel management, gaining insight into the inner workings of a luxury hotel, including front desk operations and event management.

Following their enlightening experience at Faletti's Hotel, the students proceeded to Fred Restaurant.  Students had the opportunity to interact with restaurant staff, witnessing the seamless coordination required to deliver exceptional customer service.

Reflecting on the educational outing, Waheed emphasised the importance of such practical experiences in shaping future hospitality leaders. "Exposure to real-world environments is invaluable for students aspiring to excel in the hospitality industry," she remarked. "These visits supplement not only theoretical knowledge but also instil crucial skills such as adaptability, customer service, and problem-solving."

The excursion to Faletti's Hotel and Fred Restaurant was not just a one-time experience but a stepping stone in the students' journey towards becoming future hospitality leaders. It served as a testament to the SDSB’s commitment to providing holistic education and bridging the gap between academia and industry. As the students return to their classrooms, they carry with them a wealth of insights and experiences that will undoubtedly shape their future endeavours in the dynamic world of hospitality management, setting them apart from their peers.

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