SDSB Speaker Session: Recreating Tesla’s Disruptive Journey



On April 3, 2024, the Suleman Dawood School of Business (SDSB) hosted an engaging and insightful speaker session, "Recreating Tesla’s Disruptive Journey", by Hamza Mudassir (MBA 05). Mudassir, a distinguished fellow and lecturer in Strategy at Cambridge University's Judge Business School, is also the founder of, a firm specialising in digital twins and AI. At Cambridge, he teaches strategy in the age of AI, multisided platforms, and digital disruption. His extensive professional experience includes serving as chief product and technology officer at adtech giant Adstream and chief strategy officer at Jagex, a major European video games company. Since 2016, Mudassir has successfully led three shareholder exits, generating a cumulative return of $650 million.

During the first hour of the session, Mudassir explored the theme of disruptive innovation, using Tesla's groundbreaking journey in the global automotive market as a compelling case study. He discussed how Tesla had redefined traditional notions of disruption, challenging Clayton Christensen's original theory and reshaping the competitive landscape in today's dynamic business environment.

The second hour introduced an immersive AI-powered simulation, "Electric Car Revolution," crafted by strategy and sustainability experts from the University of Cambridge. This simulation served as a digital replica of the U.S. automotive industry, inviting participants to take the role of entrepreneurs aiming to disrupt the market. It was not merely a game but an experiential learning platform where theories discussed earlier came to life. Participants engaged with AI, collaboratively learning and applying insights into practical scenarios in this interactive simulation.

This session presented a unique opportunity for students to bridge the gap between academic theories and real-world applications, fostering a deeper understanding of today's business challenges and opportunities. The SDSB Speaker Series remains dedicated to fostering dialogue between students and industry experts, providing enriching learning opportunities, and facilitating partnerships that enhance the academic experience for our community. 

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